The Michigan Montessori Children’s Academy Toddler environment is more than a mere classroom, it is a home away from home for children ages 1 ½ years to 3 years. Our classrooms are designed to meet the independent and curious nature of a toddler, allowing them to freely explore in a beautiful, carefully prepared environment that is just their size.
With Montessori principles as our guide, each student in our Toddler program has the opportunity to:
• Strengthen language skills
• Refine gross and fine motor skills
• Develop independence and confidence
• Practice social skills and caring for others
• Explore music, movement and literature
Under the careful guidance of Montessori-trained toddler teachers, our children engage in practical life pursuits, such as gardening, dressing, and hand washing, as well as pre-reading activities, puzzles, art, music and conversation. Independence is fostered by allowing the child to choose from a variety of activities that he or she can accomplish with success. The daily practice of these activities enhances the child's ability to communicate with confidence, move with grace, and develop self-reliance.
The adult-child ratio in the Toddler class is one adult for every four children, which enables the staff to give optimum supervision, personal care and a lap or hug for the very young child who constantly requires it. The large, sunny area in the Center designated for the Toddlers provides lots of room to explore and move about during (free choice) work time.
The classroom environment is designed on a very small scale so that feet can touch the ground and everything is in easy reach. The classroom belongs to the children; nothing in the room is off limits. Toddlers are particularly happy about that!
Toilet training is not a requirement, but is encouraged during the child's time in the Toddler program. Parents are responsible for making the first introduction. Thereafter, the staff and parents work together.